Some of you may have received a hang tag on your door regarding sanitary sewer line cleaning that will be performed starting this week by Highlands at Mayfield Ranch MUD. This work is routine maintenance that is required periodically by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. The contractor that was hired by the MUD, CleanView Resources, is planning to be on site today, June 27. Below is a list of the streets where work will be performed.
Sec. 9
Sec. 12B
If you live on any of these streets, please delay high water usage activities like laundry or using the dishwasher until the evening. You are also welcome to cover the drains in your house to guard against any potential odors as a precautionary option. We will continue to provide status updates as the work progresses. If you have any questions, please contact the MUD Engineer, Odalys Johnson, at 512-441-9493 [email protected].